Creating Intelligent Medical Applications

Co-founded by computer engineers and medical doctors, we are a software publishing company specialized in aiding medical diagnostics and its applications in the field of prevention. We strongly believe in the synergy brought by this dual expertise, which has allowed us to develop unique know-how in the field of vaccinology and travel medicine.

Creating Intelligent Medical Applications

Co-founded by computer engineers and medical doctors, we are a software publishing company specialized in aiding medical diagnostics and its applications in the field of prevention. We strongly believe in the synergy brought by this dual expertise, which has allowed us to develop unique know-how in the field of vaccinology and travel medicine.

Users of Our Solutions

Our Solutions

Our Awards & Distinctions

We are part of the 50 Most Innovative Startups identified by Usine Nouvelle in April 2016. Syadem holds the status of Innovative Company, and received the Digital Aquitaine label in 2015.

Lauréat du Prix Galien de la e-santé 2016 est membre du Vaccine Safety Network de l'OMS Certification par le label Medappcare Grand Trophée 2015 de l'application mobile de santé Trophée de la e-santé 2012 Castres-Mazamet Technopole Entretiens de Bichat 2011
Cluster TIC Santé aquitain Digital Aquitaine Région aquitaine La FrenchTech Académie Nationale de Médecine